Discover What Foods Boost Your Metabolism the Best

Lifter Life Team
Lifter Life Team
The Lifter Life Team is dedicated to promoting healthy, nutritious eating through fresh, wholesome ingredients. At our restaurant, we believe in fueling your body with delicious, balanced meals that support an active and vibrant lifestyle.
   July 30, 2024

Fast metabolism becomes essential for everyone who approaches a healthy lifestyle and wants to be active. Whether you work out to get in shape, perform on an amateur or professional level, or gain muscle, you will surely increase your metabolism and make all the body processes go faster. 

Achieving a higher metabolism with workouts and an active lifestyle is the right approach, but you can do it better and faster by changing your diet. Foods that positively impact the metabolism are those that we may not know about. Do you want to know more about them? Keep reading to understand what products and meals will surely boost your metabolism and help you achieve your goals faster. 

How Does Metabolism Affect Our Health?

There's a direct connection between metabolism and people's health because metabolism identifies how effectively we use our food to convert it into energy for workouts and everyday tasks. Moreover, it directly affects our energy balance. For example, with a good metabolism, you won't struggle if the amount of calories will surpass your daily limit. Since all the processes in your body happen very quickly, you don't have anything to store or turn into body fat. The metabolism level depends on multiple factors:

  • Lifestyle.

  • Type of food you consume.

  • Your daily schedule and the amount of sleep you get.

  • The amount of time you spend working out.

If you focus on getting foods to increase your metabolic rate but at the same time have a passive lifestyle, it won't bring you the desired effect. You should combine everything to wake up your body and bring all the processes to the needed speed. 

The most popular metabolism-boosting foods and their main characteristics

Product name

Short description


Green Tea

Contains catechins and caffeine

Boosts metabolism and fat oxidation


Contains caffeine

Increases metabolic rate and fat-burning

Protein-rich foods

Includes meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds

Increases the thermic effect of food (TEF)

Chili peppers

Contains capsaicin

Increases metabolism and promotes fat-burning


Drinking cold water increases resting energy expenditure

Helps to burn calories

Apple cider vinegar

Contains acetic acid

May increase fat burning and decrease fat storage

coconut oil

Contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)

Increases metabolism and reduces appetite


Contains gingerol

Boosts metabolism and has anti-inflammatory properties


Rich in iodine

Supports thyroid function, which regulates metabolism

Legumes and pulses

Includes beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas

High in protein and fiber, increasing TEF and promoting satiety

Dark chocolate

Contains caffeine and theobromine

Increases metabolic rate and improves mood

Oolong tea

Contains catechins and caffeine

Boosts metabolism and fat-burning


Rich in antioxidants and fiber

Promotes fat burning and improves overall metabolic health

Choose Small Portions Over Big Meals

Timing plays an important role in the metabolism development. You have to give your body enough energy to complete all your daily activities. Sometimes, It's better to have three medium-sized meals and two snacks than limit yourself to three large meals. You will keep the blood sugar on an appropriate level and have no desire to eat extra sweets or somehow break your diet. This is a key factor to keep your body weight stable.

This video is a good example of how people with different goals eat during the day. In this episode, professional bodybuilder Fouad Abiad shows what he eats during the off-season. He has large meals and small portions to maintain the calorie count and avoid overeating.

If you are looking for a balanced meal plan to help you stay in shape, consider our weight maintenance meal plan. Wisely crafted by specialists and cooked by chefs, it will help you keep the calorie count at the same level and have enough energy to keep doing what you do. Moreover, the meals change all the time, so you won't struggle eating the same food all the time.

Pick the Best Food for a Metabolism Boost

Now, let's get to the main point and discuss the best metabolism-boosting foods. The first on our list is protein. The body needs more energy for protein digestion and higher calorie intake, which is why people need to take more carbs and fats when eating protein. For example, when you make a protein shake for a post-workout meal, it makes sense to add a banana and replace water with real milk or plant milk. Protein speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel full. 

The next product on our list is green tea. It's not a high-calorie meal or something you can take as a snack, but it's a nice drink that contains caffeine and catechins. These components increase your metabolism and improve your body's ability to burn fat and use it as the main source of energy. Some studies proved that people who regularly drank green tea faced weight loss and had a positive impact on overall health. It's not a significant weight loss, but if you decide to make green tea a part of your weight loss meal plan, it will be an advantageous move. 

Next, we are going to mention a group of products that are reach in calcium. They are important not only for your metabolism but for your bones as well. Several studies also confirm that calcium plays a huge role in getting in shape. The most common calcium-reach foods that boost metabolism are broccoli and Greek yogurt. You can easily add them to your diet and swap them from time to time. Canned salmon is also a good option to get the needed amount of calcium.

Avoid Alcohol to Keep the Metabolism Level the Same

It's essential to mention things that slow your metabolism. When people drink a lot of alcohol, it negatively impacts all processes in their bodies. They lose focus, have less energy, and feel tired when doing the simplest things. If you don't want to feel like that and constantly increase your metabolism, quit alcohol or make the consumption as low as possible. Control your diet and workout several times per week to stay active.


What products help you increase metabolism and burn fat?

If you want to burn fat and keep your metabolism high, you must focus on lean meats and fish, eat more fruits and vegetables, and consume whole-grain products. 

Should you eat nuts to keep your metabolism level high?

Nuts become a good source of healthy fats and help people maintain their metabolism. Still, this is a high-calorie product, so don't eat too much.

What is the biggest metabolism killer?

Alcohol is the biggest metabolism killer. Besides, you may avoid high-fat products and foods that contain high amounts of added sugar.

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