Effective Nutrition Tips to Give Fuel to Your Body
Building a perfect body requires two major steps: eating and training. Most people consider training the most difficult part, as you have to follow the discipline, do cardio, and maintain your workload. However, eating is more important than lifting weights. A proper diet will maximize your workout efforts and help you maintain weight better. Whether you do heavy training willing to compete as a bodybuilder or it's a casual fitness routine, eating the right foods matters a lot.
With a properly balanced eating and exercise schedule, you will keep your body healthy and strong, developing endurance and having enough energy for your daily routine. The protein intake, the balance of carbohydrates and fats, as well as the overall calorie amount, become essential for your success. If you want to know how to fuel your body for effective training and enough energy all the time, this article is just for you. We will guide you through the main nutrition patterns and tell you what to eat for training.
Eating Before Training: Fuel the Tank for Productive Workout
Where do you get the energy you need for effective training? In the food you eat! Whether you want to lose weight or maintain your current condition, having a high-volume meal is essential. To perform your best in the gym, you should have high-quality fuel inside. Ideally, you should eat 2 hours before the workout. The meal should consist of healthy carbohydrates and add a small portion of protein. Taking a lot of fats and protein won't be good, as it takes more time for your stomach to digest these components. Carbs, on the other hand, will give you energy and fuel to perform well in the gym.
If you train in the morning and your pre-workout meal is breakfast, you can eat the following:
Oatmeal with fruits and honey. Optionally, take a cup of coffee to have more energy.
Fat-free yogurt with fruits and granola.
Whole-grain toasts with peanut butter and bananas. Two-egg omelet.
These options do have protein and fats, but since we eat two hours before training, it makes sense to consume such products. Moreover, by taking a portion of protein in the morning, you start covering your daily rate. Healthy fats from eggs and peanut butter will also give you energy, which will later be burned during training.
Eating During the Workout: Yes or No?
Usually, people are not supposed to take food during their training sessions. If you train for less than 60 minutes, it's not necessary to take additional food. You finish your workout and have a post-workout meal according to your schedule. However, if the training lasts for two or more hours, it makes sense to take additional carbohydrate-rich drinks or food. It could be a bar with fructose (high-quality bars do not have added sugar) or one of sports nutrition drinks. Isotonic drinks, also known as electrolyte drinks, are very common around bicyclists, crossfit sportsmen, and others who have high-volume training. For example, athletes who perform in Iron Man competitions always have energy drinks, bars, and gels as snacks. Taking them at the right times helps to replenish the level of energy. Such mid-workout meals won't ruin a balanced diet but will do more benefits by giving you enough energy for your exercise routine.
Post-Workout Meal: Eating Right Foods to Close Gaps
There's a wrong misconception that you should skip your post-workout meal if you're on a weight-loss diet to cut the overall number of daily calories and speed up the weight-loss process. First and foremost, never do that. You will do more damage to your body if you skip your meal. Second, you should have a well-balanced meal after training. It should contain carbs, protein, fiber, and unsaturated fats. All components are essential for building muscles and burning fat, as they keep your metabolism at a high pace. Depending on your fitness goals, the amount of components and overall portion size may differ. For example, the average dose of protein per serving is about 20–40 grams. The amount of carbs depends on your goals, but usually it's about 50-80 grams of carbs per serving. The amount of fat depends on the overall amount of fat in your diet and the way you distribute them throughout the day.
What to eat after the workout? Here are the most common options to try:
Chicken and rice with salad. A good balance of carbs and protein with fiber to simplify the digestion.
Banana and protein shake. In case you can't eat a normal meal on time after training, take a quick option to fuel yourself.
Baked salmon with sweet potato and broccoli. A high-quality meal that contains the needed nutrients and elements, including omega-3 fatty acids from fish.
Whole-bread sandwich with tuna and avocado. A healthy to-go post-workout meal to help you feel satisfied and get plenty of healthy components.
In case you're struggling to cook meals yourself or don't have time to do it properly, there's always a good alternative. By ordering a well-balanced meal plan, you receive a plan full of high-quality food around your workout. We swap meals all the time, so you won't get bored eating the same food from week to week.
Avoid Processed Food in Your Diet
A huge mistake people make is reducing the quality of food they consume. Why do they do that? They think that intense training sessions will keep their metabolisms high anyway, so eating healthy is a second-tier priority. The quality of the food you take matters a lot, especially if you chase specific goals (weight loss, fat burn, etc.). Regardless of the calorie amount or overall amount of food, you should have high-quality carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats. Nobody says you can't cheat or get snacks, but you should do it wisely. Try following the 80/20 rule. 80% of your food should be clean, and use the other 20% for your favorite desserts, snacks, drinks, etc. We've discussed the science behind cheat meals and cheat days in our recent article, explaining how they can help you stay in shape and how often you can cheat.
Stay Hydrated All the Time
Besides eating well, counting calories, and maintaining your diet, it's essential to drink enough water. Getting enough liquid daily will help your body function well and have enough energy. The golden rule is: 1 liter per 1000 calories or 1 liter per 30 kilograms of body weight. Drink water during the workout to avoid dehydration, and remember that drinks like tea and coffee should be compensated by an additional amount of water. If you are not sure you drink enough per day, keep a bottle of water with you all the time. Whether you go shopping, walk in the park, or whatever, you'll always have a reminder to drink.
High-intensity exercise routines combined with a well-balanced diet will help you get in shape faster than you could imagine. You'll see how your body transforms, getting rid of extra weight, fat, and water that stayed in your body for too long.
What is the best thing to eat before a workout?
The best option to eat before a workout is the one that contains high-quality carbs. Such meals will give you enough energy to work in the gym.
Is it OK to workout on an empty stomach?
Having no pre-workout meal reduces your stamina and leads to fatigue, which means your training won't be very effective.
Should I take protein after the workout?
Taking protein after training will help restore muscles and close the gap in daily protein intake. Make sure the amount of protein in one portion is around 30 grams.